How to change signature in pan card: If your PAN card does not have a signature, and the photo is also with an Aadhar card, then how can you change it?
In this post, I will share all processes, how you can add a signature and how will change the photo in the PAN card, Complete Process Step by Step.
It will tell you about two methods, an online and one offline. If you change photos & signatures in the PAN card online, then your Digital copy will be sent in your mail.
If you do with the offline process, then your Copy is sent to you through the post office.
To change the signature on the PAN card, you can follow the step given by us.
Page Contents
How to Change Signature in PAN Card
If you want to do any Kind of correction under your PAN card, this post is especially for them. In this, explaining all the Corrections, I will tell you how you can change the signature and photo on the PAN card.
You can do correction in two ways, online and offline, online you can easily do it sitting at home.
Requirements for PAN Correction:
- Computer/Laptop/Mobile
- Internet connection
- Credit card/Debit card/UPI for Payment
- PAN Card, Aadhar Card
- Photo, Signature
You do Don’t need any Kind of document in the online process, only if you have a computer or mobile and internet Connection then you can do all types of corrections in PAN card through the given steps.
In the past time, a photo or signature was don’t required in PAN card, but in the present time, the PAN card is being used a lot, and according to the new rule of the government, it has been made necessary to have a photo and signature in all the PAN cards.
In this post, I will tell you the complete process of how you can do it online, if you want to do it offline then it will be helpful for you too.
Change Signature/Photo in PAN Card Online
First, you have to go to the page of PAN card correction through the given link, I will tell you all the steps below step-wise, you can follow it.
Visit this site: Online PAN Card Application
Step #1: Fill the Applicant Information
I have told all how to fill the form, by following it, you will have to fill the form correctly.
- Application type: Changes or Correction in existing PAN Data
- Category: INDIVIDUAL
- Title: Shri
- Last Name/Sure Name:
- First Name:
- Middle Name
- Date of Birth:
- Email ID:
- Mobile Number:
- Whether Citizen of India: Yes
- PAN Number:
- Then tick mark in the Box
- Fill the Captcha Code
- Then Click on Submit Button

Step #2: Copy the token Number, then Click on Submit
When you submit, a token number will be generated, first, you have to copy it and click on Continue with PAN application form.

When you visit the second page, then 3 options are available in it, out of which you have to select the middle one.
If you click in the middle, then you will have to upload a photo and signature copy through an online image, which I am going to tell you later.

Then scroll down Bellow and fill the Information
- It will contain your PAN number
- and enter the last 4 digits of Aadhar in the box below Aadhaar number
- After that, whatever name is there in Aadhaar, it has to be entered correctly.
- Whatever details you want to correct, you have to tick them.
Step #3: Fill you Residence/Office Address
You have to fill out another form, in which your address will be there.
Whichever address you want to give, you can choose from it, if you want to give the office, you can give it and also the residence.

Step #4: Fill Your Proof ID
In the Next form, you will have to fill out the Proof Id, which you can choose in Aadhaar.
- Proof of Identity: AADHAAR CARD
- Proof of address: AADHAAR CARD
- Proof of date of Birth: AADHAAR CARD
- Proof of PAN: If you have a copy then select ‘Copy of Pan card’/ No document

Step #5: Upload your Photo & Signature
After that scroll down a bit, in which your photo and signature will have to be uploaded. You can upload photos and signatures in JPEG format. I
n it you have been given the file size and dimensions, if you upload it accordingly, then the file support will not work, otherwise, it will not be able to be uploaded.
You also have to upload the Aadhar card in it, it has the option to upload it in PDF format, and the file size should be 300kb.
After that all the details have to be Checked properly, if any mistake has Happened then you can edit again, if everything is correct, then click on the proceed.

Step #6: Choose Payment Method
You will have to make payment online, for this, you can choose any method, it will take 106 rupees, after clicking in terms, click on proceed.
You are given a lot of options for payment like a credit card, debit card, internet banking, UPI, QR code.

After making the payment, you have to complete the verification process through OTP. You will get a new PAN card within 15-20 days.
Q. #1 Is ePAN valid without a signature?
e-PAN cannot be valid without a signature. To do a digital sign, you need an Aadhaar number and a digital signature.
Q. #2 Can I change my signature on PAN Card Online?
Yes, you can change and correct your signature photo or anything on your PAN card online. For which you need its form, in which you have to fill in all the details and upload the signature photo.
Q. #3 Is Signature Necessary in PAN card?
In the past time, a photo or signature was don’t required in PAN card, but in the present time, the PAN card is being used a lot, and according to the new rule of the government, it has been made necessary to have a photo and signature in all the PAN cards.
Q. #4 Can I change the Photo On PAN Card?
Yes, you can change your photo on a PAN card, by default it is Aadhaar, but you can do it online only.
How to change signature in PAN Card Online; Friends, through this post, I told you how to correct all the mistakes that have happened in your PAN card. Also told how you can add photo and signature.
After you upload the photo signature online, when you make payment, your PAN is updated successfully, within 15 days you will get the card through postal.
If you got to learn something from this post, then comment and share it with friends.
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