How to unblock SBI ATM Card With 4 Easy Steps in 5 Min.

How to unblock SBI ATM Card: Friends, if your SBI ATM card is Blocked for any reason and you want to unblock your card through an online process/ Offline process.

Today I will discuss this problem, how you can solve it with the help of an easy method, and I will explain step by step to Unblock the SBI ATM card.

Also, I will try to explain why your ATM is blocked, how to fix this, and also will explain the solution you can not face this type of issue in the future.

To Unblock the SBI ATM Various type of methods are available, This post will provide all Processes, that can help you to unblock the ATM without facing any problems.

These are the Methods: By Using

  • Through Online
  • YONO SBI app
  • Customer care Number
  • Via SMS

If the SBI ATM card is blocked temporarily, it can be solved easily, you can Unblock your ATM with the help of an online method. But if your ATM is permanently blocked, then it can’t be unblocked online processes, in this case, you have to go bank.

Why SBI ATM card is blocked?

There are some reasons are given in below, If your ATM is blocked, for this reason, you want to resolve this, then read the Complete post.

1-Entering Wrong Pin more than 3 times:

Friends, our ATM card goes blocked by a small mistake, When we pick up money from any SBI ATM, either knowingly or unknowingly we enter the wrong PIN again and again 3 times. Because of this, SBI blocks the ATM temporarily for 24 hours.

Solution :

In this case, you can’t use this ATM before 24 hours, it is the SBI rule. To use this ATM card urgently, then can you unblock the problem by using a customer care number.

If your ATM is blocked due to this mistake, then I am explaining how you can fix it, follow the steps given below.

unblock SBI ATM Card

In this process, you need some Important verification, then you change the 4-digit ATM PIN. You have to need the ATM-linked mobile number, debit card’s last 4 numbers, and mobile OTP.

The given reasons keep happening in general, but these two reasons given below belong to someone, along with, if your SBI ATM has been blocked for some other reason, then many things have been told Below, read it.

2-After ATM Card Expiry: In some Cases If your ATM has expired, then the SBI branch sends a new ATM card from your given/registered address.

3-Because of any type of security reason

If you do more than one ATM with the Same details By mistake, then due to that reason, SBI blocks your ATM keeping in view the security. Apart from this, there can be many other reasons, to fix it, follow the process given below.

How to unblock SBI ATM card?

If the ATM card is blocked for any reason, most people are gone worried about this problem. Today I provide the solution to this problem, and I explain how you can use this ATM card again without go the bank.

In this particular section, you will get to learn what is the online method to follow. I will tell some simple ways through which you can do this through mobile while sitting at home.

Friends, I want to tell you that if your SBI ATM is Permanently blocked, then you cannot get it activated again in any way. For this, you will have to approach the bank and then apply for a new ATM card.

But most of the cards are blocked temporarily, and today I have come up with the solution to this, follow all the steps to unblock the card properly.

What requirements are needed to unblock SBI ATM?

You will need some requirements to unblock ATMs online, so keep some of the given Requirements with you.

  • Mobile Device
  • Internet Connection
  • Register Mobile Number
  • YONO SBI app
  • Login Using MPIN
  • Your ATM/Debit card
  • Bank Passbook Number

How to unblock SBI ATM card by YONO app

If you are looking to Unblock the SBI ATM using the YONO app, then you also need an internet device mobile phone.

The SBI ATM Unblocking process I will explain step by step, If you follow all steps then, You can easily unblock your block card.

  1. Download YONO app
  2. Then, Open this
  3. Click on Login Option
  4. Login Using MPIN
  5. Then, Scroll down
  6. Click on Service Request Option
  7. Then Click ATM/Debit Card option
  8. Fill in your Internet banking password
  9. Then, Click on Submit button
  10. Click on Active Card
  11. Select an account want to Unblock
  12. Then, Enter the Card Number
  13. After that, Click Next
  14. Fill OTP, then Submit

To Unblock Your ATM first of all you Install the YONO application on your mobile.

After that Open this app on your device, then click on the Login Option. You need MPIN to login into it, if you have already created MPIN then fill it out and submit it.

unblock SBI ATM Card
Unblock SBI ATM Card

When you land on the home page, after scrolling down a bit, then you get the Quick Link Section then, click on the Service Request option.

unblock SBI ATM Card

After clicking on Service Request Option, Then, You are automatically redirected to a new page. On this page, you will get the ATM/Debit card Option, click on this.

unblock SBI ATM Card

Then will open a new page, and on this particular page you fill in your Internet banking password, then click on Submit button.

unblock SBI ATM Card

After that, on a new page, you will get a lot of options, in which you can block/unblock the card. From which you have to choose the option of Active Account.

unblock SBI ATM Card

On the second page, you will be asked to select the account, if you have linked more than one account then Select it in it. After that, after entering the card number, click on the Next button.

unblock SBI ATM Card

If you have followed all the given steps, then your SBI ATM will be successfully Unblock. This ATM is fully activated, you can use this card for any purpose.

How to unblock SBI ATM card via SMS

Friends, if you want to unblock your SBI ATM through SMS, then I have provided the number to SMS below.

Along with that, I have told you what SMS you have to write, if your account is Blocked due to any reason, then you can correct it through SMS.

SMS this Number for Any Reason (9223966666) for ATM/SBI problem

There is some Reasons, For whatever reason, if your ATM is blocked, then you can follow the same.

  • Block by Transactions -SWON ATM <SPACE> ATM last 4 digit
  • Block for Domestic Uses -SWON DOM <SPACE> ATM last 4 digit
  • International Uses -SWON INTL <SPACE> ATM last 4 digit
  • E-Commerce Uses -SWON ECOM <SPACE> ATM last 4 digit

Unblock SBI ATM by using customer care number

Unblocking an ATM card with SBI’s customer care number is also a great option. Through this, you can easily Unblock your ATM in one call, but you will be asked for some verification information, it has to be told well.

The name and account number of the bank account holder will be asked for verification. Can call up in given number, and unblock ATM easily.

SBI Customer care Number-1800112211, 18004253800

Q. #1 What is the SBI ATM card helpline Number?

This is the 24 x 7 helpline Number of SBI Customer Service (1800-11-22-11/1800-425-3800/+9180-26599990). If you have any type of doubt SBI ATM card Regarding, You can call this number at any time.

Q. #2 How to activate a Blocked ATM card?

If you want to activate your inactive ATM card, you can follow this process. There are 4 types of methods that help you to easily activate an ATM.
YONO SBI portal
Using Helpline Number
Using Via SMS

Q. #3 How to unblock SBI ATM card via SMS?

Friends, if you want to unblock your SBI ATM through SMS, then I have provided the number to SMS below.
SMS this Number for Any Reason (9223966666)
Block by Transactions -SWON ATM <SPACE> ATM last 4 digit-9223966666
Block for Domestic Uses -SWON DOM <SPACE> ATM last 4 digit-9223966666
International Uses -SWON INTL <SPACE> ATM last 4 digit- 9223966666
E-Commerce Uses -SWON ECOM <SPACE> ATM last 4 digit-9223966666

Q. #4 How to Unblock SBI ATM card by YONO app?

If you will Unblock your SBI ATM card Using the YONO application then, You must follow these given steps.

Download YONO app
Then, Open this
Click on Login Option
Login Using MPIN
Then, Scroll down
Click on Service Request Option
Then Click ATM/Debit Card option
Fill in your Internet banking password
Then, Click on Submit button
Click on Active Card
Select an account want to Unblock
Then, Enter the Card Number
After that, Click Next
Fill OTP, then Submit


How to unblock SBI ATM Card: Tried to Understand the complete process step by step about how to unblock SBI ATM easily, also explained to you the reason why your ATM may be blocked and also explained the solution.

If you follow these steps properly, then you can unblock ATMs using the online process. If you have any other type of doubt, tell me by commenting below.

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